
Monday, January 24, 2011


December was a blur of Christmas shopping and packing, again! We finally found a house we liked and closed on it the day before New Year's. Being in a cramped one bedroom apartment with a small fraction of our belongings had got old fast.

I have to say that I learned a great lesson from all this uprooting though. When we first learned that we were moving, I thought “oh Lord, help me pack”. Now understand we had a very modest two bedroom home. There wasn't room for huge collections of antiques or bobble head figures. Yet somehow we accumulated quite a lot of crap. I held two moving sales in the effort to declutter, and the leftovers went to GoodWill. I had also given away many bags of clothes and other household items. We had two big weaknesses, Halloween and books. We hosted major Halloween parties every year with a different theme each time and consequently I have about 10 extra large bins full of décor and costumes. We are also voracious readers and had bought probably a hundred books or more during our 7 years there. We sold all but our most favorites.

Towards the end of packing up the house in CT though, there was just no more time to make trips to Goodwill or have another sale. So what to do with a pair of decorative chopsticks hidden in the back of a drawer? Toss it in a box. Clayton's can of Romulan Ale soda souvenir from Las Vegas? Box!

When I got down here, 95% of it all went in storage. For six months we lived with the barest of essentials. It was the hardest part of the move. On the other hand, it really made you examine and realize what you really treasured. I found out that I missed my favorite books most, the ones I pick up when I can't find anything interesting at the library or bookstore. I also missed having a real kitchen, large enough to execute a decent meal and baked goods. Clayton missed his large office desk, our books and personal space in general. I can be the voice of Katey and say she missed having her own yard to chase squirrels.

How long could you go without? I think everyone should put away most of their “stuff” for a year and see what it is that really matters to them. I'm already planning another tag sale for the spring as I unpack and see what else I can live without. I want to enjoy the new space we have and not clutter it up. I spent good money on that Halloween stuff though....I'm betting the kids here will appreciate it come October.